Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 3 Of My Curls

This is day 3 of my flexirod set and the curls are falling beautifully! I'm in Louisiana and it's HUMID!...and will be until hurricane season is over :( I've decided that any straight hair is OUT the question. Anywho, with that said I will be rocking curls all summer long!

I cowash my hair with Silken Child Con, set with Elasta QP Foam setting lotion and a little Sally's GVP Silk Remedy...air dry 100% and take them down when they are dry. That's pretty much it ladies, simple..easy...and it last LONG!


♥ CG ♥ said...

So cute!

Unknown said...

I love it...wonder will it work with my 4c hair!

Katrina said...


missnnenna said...

You look so pretty! Love the curls

Anonymous said...


FaithLeah said...

love the curls and yes very perfect for humid weather:)

Unknown said...

your hair looks cute! i might have to try this look

also, i gave u an award on my blog!! http://hersheykissez86.blogspot.com/2010/06/my-2nd-award.html

Tysh said...

Are you going to try to go back Natural, your hair looks really nice.

Jmilz86 said...

beautiful...so do u re-rod them at night or just sleep on it

Fashion Du Jour said...

Great Curls!! You look great!

FASHION du jour

Tanya said...

Beautiful curls. You are stunning. It is nice to see someone wearing their real hair instead of weave.


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Anonymous said...

Hair and makeup is really nice.Now I want to do my hair like that.


www.almeria-3d.com said...

This won't succeed in reality, that is exactly what I think.